Dr. John Frawley, Senior Pastor

If you see John Frawley, Senior Pastor, around Metropolitan, chances are you’re in for some great conversation about everything from the Bible to barbeque – which he loves almost as much as Jesus! John has received theological training from Dallas Theological Seminary as well as a DMin from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, which he completed in 2018, around the time he started working at Metropolitan Bible Church. John loves preaching because for half an hour every Sunday he gets to remind people of who God is, how He has shown love to us, and what He did for us through His Son. He also engages members in Christ-centered conversations during Family Groups to challenge believers to grow closer to God. He and his wife, Kristina, and three children are a light to our fellowship, and we can’t wait to see how our church flourishes under John’s guidance! 


“You are welcome to be yourself at Metropolitan and I want to help you learn more about Jesus in our church.”