“Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer” (Psalm 61:1)
All great movements of God have begun and been fueled by prayer. Metropolitan is committed to seeking God’s face for both the direction of our ministry and the meeting of our needs.
Please review the shared prayer requests below and consider adding them to your prayers as often as you pray. You may let the requestor know you prayed by selecting “I PRAYED FOR THIS.”
Have a prayer need? Add it below by selecting “SUBMIT YOUR PRAYER REQUEST.” Your request will appear on the prayer wall shortly following approval.
Recent Prayer Requests
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Metropolitan Staff
Be praying over our Metro Students who will be having Big Weekend this weekend!
Received: February 13, 2025
Metropolitan Staff
We pray over Carolyn Churchill who has been recovering from the flu.
Received: February 13, 2025
Metropolitan Staff
We continue to pray for David Kirk as he recovers from receiving a pacemaker and a stent in his heart.
Received: February 13, 2025
Metropolitan Staff
Pray for both Annette Basey and Maurice Ferris who recently fell and were injured from the fall. We pray for Annette’s broken leg and Maurice’s broken hip.
Received: February 13, 2025
Metropolitan Staff
Pray for the Salmon family, as Jesse recently had surgery to repair a severe AC joint tear. We pray for his quick healing and for pain to decrease.
Received: February 13, 2025
Richard Gendron
Kathy has been suffering from atrial fibrillation and mitral valve regurgitation. On Thursday, February 6, she saw an electrophysiologist at Baptist and had a cardioversion. This procedure gave her relief. However, she experienced some shortness of breath the following Sunday at church. It was not emergent. We have an appointment with her primary cardiologist to determine treatment for her mitral valve problem. (Primary issue with valve and Afib)
Please pray treatment can be prescribed, possibly open heart surgery or a less invasive treatment to improve her quality of life. Thank you.
Received: February 9, 2025
Metropolitan Staff
Please be praying for Phillippa and Murvin Tillett, as Phillippa's mother, Marie, has passed away. Pray for their family, safe travels, and peace and wisdom from the Lord.
Received: February 6, 2025
Lacey Salmon
Jesse (my husband) had a snowboarding accident in CO, and had surgery to repair a severe AC Joint Tear on Tuesday (2/11) at McBride. Please be praying for his continued healing.
Received: February 6, 2025
Metropolitan Staff
Please be in prayer for David Kirk, who recently underwent surgery to place a pacemaker for his heart. We pray for the healing of his body.
Received: February 5, 2025
Metropolitan Staff
We praise God and continue to pray over Pastor Matt Menhennett and Andra, as father-in-law Steve recovers from his recent heart surgery and prepares for a stent placement.
Received: February 5, 2025
Faith Promise Missionaries
Todd & Pamela Price, Pioneers, Croatia
We recently celebrated the final consultant check of the New Testament in three languages: Arli, Chergash, and Gurbet. We have been working on this together as three teams for 7 years to translate this, and it is a joy to see it brought to completion! The teams will be doing a final revision so that Lord willing it will be ready to typeset by mid-February. We will also have audio recordings of the NT in each language available. The translators have begun to translate the Old Testament and are starting with the easiest books to translate first. Please pray for these teams that are doing final checks on the NT, but also for the teams beginning to translate the OT.
Received: February 13, 2025
Patrick & Shalyn O’Connor, Action International, Latin America
With our new ministry homebase on the Tex Mex border, Shalyn and I rejoice for this new chapter. We are thankful for our opportunity to minister with the Rio Grande Bible Institute, as their graduates depart for counties where Shalyn and I cannot go. We now have weekly QUICK access to in-country Mexico in a 100-mile swath, which allows for outreach, compassion, and training, mentoring, and discipleship. Please thank the Lord with us for His grace & His permission to minister along the border. Pray with us for HIS WISDOM to calibrate ministry requests.
Received: February 13, 2025
BJ & Jill Sanders, Ethnos 360, Papua New Guinea
We give praise to God, who provided the exact amount we needed for plane tickets back to PNG the last week of May 2025! We also praise Him for Jill’s recent Mohs surgery that only needed one round of the burning and scraping – her face is now cancer free! We are thankful for "your partnership in the gospel" (Philippians 1:5). Thank you for "overflowing in a wealth of generosity" (2 Cor 8:2).
Received: February 13, 2025
Steve & Melanie Galegor, BILD International, Albania
Steve has been the last 9 days in Kyiv meeting with various pastoral teams of active churches in the area. Praise be to God for the fruitful conversations and plans for teams here as they move ahead. There are now two solid teams of leaders and churches working to train and establish their believers in the Apostles' Teaching and shape strong, multiplying networks of churches. Steve plans to return in September 2025 to include a wider network of leaders through them in addition to weekly online work that they will be doing between now and then. Please pray for safe travels back to the US.
Received: February 13, 2025
Scott & Brenda Brinson, Faith Partners, Kenya
The new year marks the start of a new class of students at Shepherds Bible Institute. Please pray for the 25 students who are part of this new class, and for Pastors Paul and Albert who are teaching them. Thank you for your generosity and prayer for these faithful men and women to be better-equipped to serve their local churches
Received: February 5, 2025
Eric & Christy McCauley, Greater Europe Mission, Vienna
Please continue praying for Christy’s health, effective pain management, and her ability to regain mobility, strength, and stamina. Praise God that her medication is working, allowing her to taper off pain medication, with the goal of stopping by March. Pray for the Micro-credential evaluation team as they prepare for their review on Feb. 10-12, seeking to help a German school equip more people for ministry. Pray that Eric can interview church leaders in the coming months and present his findings at the C-25 consultation in March. Ask God to grow the small group at church in their knowledge of Jesus and commitment to following Him through the Hebrews study. Thank you for your prayers and support—they have a meaningful impact on our ministry in Austria!