Plan Your Visit
What to Expect

We are a group of people passionate about following Christ and sharing His love with others. On Sundays, we have one service followed by Family Groups. There is a place for everyone, and you will find people dressed from very casual to coats and ties and everything in between. On Wednesdays, we have programs for all ages designed to help them learn more about the Bible and deepen their walk with God.
Weekly Schedule
9:30 AM Worship Service
In-Person & Online. Childcare for newborns – Pre-K is available on Sundays from 9:20 A.M. – 12:05 P.M. On the 2nd-5th Sundays of each month, K-5th grade kids will check in at a Metro Kids kiosk and attend the first part of the worship service with the families. They will be dismissed to children’s church (Metro Kids Worship) and escorted to the Metro Kids area. Please note that children are always welcome to attend a worship service. We especially encourage their attendance on communion Sundays, typically the 1st Sunday of each month. Visit our Welcome Desk in the lobby for activity packets for younger kids.
11:00 AM Family Groups
A Family Group is a great place to connect with smaller groups, and develop relationships with other believers.
Wednesdays (August – May)
For Kids (K-5th Grade)
5:45-6:30 Children’s Choir Rehearsal
6:30-8:00 Awana (Fun Bible Memorization)
For Youth (6th-12th Grade)
6:30-8:00 Metro Students: Worship + Discipleship
For Adults
6:00-6:30 Prayer
6:30-8:00 Bible Study and Open Fellowship Time
Worship Ministries
8:00-8:45 Worship Service Music Rehearsal
We are located in Oklahoma City on the northwest corner of Rockwell and Britton (just north of the expressway/Highway 3).
7201 West Britton Road
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
Rockwell and Britton, head west ~1/8 mile to campus entrance on the north side of Britton Road.
Parking: For the worship center, parking is best on the south side of the lot. For Metro Kids and most classrooms, parking is best on the northwest or northeast side of the building.

We believe that every child is loved and valued by God. Metro Kids strives to live that out in our teaching, and in our care for each child. Child safety and security is very important to us. We use a secure check-in system, and all our workers are trained and screened for your child’s protection. Our new Metro Kids building is an inviting, welcoming facility with bright classrooms and two modern play areas. You can have peace of mind knowing that your children are safe, cared for, having fun, and learning about God just like you!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I wear?
Just wear what is comfortable to you! You’ll see everything from “Sunday best” to jeans and t-shirts. Come as you are and worship!
What is the preaching like?
Pastor John will typically be preaching from a series tied to a section of the Bible. We value what is commonly called “expositional preaching.” This means that we allow the Bible to have the final say on everything and aim to preach the intended meaning of the text.
Where do I park?
We have visitor parking on the southeast side of our parking lot.
Where do my children go?
Newborn – Pre-K can be checked-in to Metro Kids Nursery beginning at 9:15 AM Sunday mornings. Kindergarten – 5th Grade attend the Worship Service and are dismissed to Metro Kids Worship on most 2nd-5th Sundays of the month. Students (6th-12th Grade) attend the 9:30 AM Worship Service. Metro Kids and Metro Students attend Sunday School at 11:00 AM.
Will there be a friendly face to greet me?
Yes! We are so glad you would come to see us! We will be happy to answer all of your questions and assist you with anything you need.