Family Life Center Roof Replacement

The Family Life Center roof replacement is complete! The total for this project is $258,000. These funds will be taken from our Building Fund, Capital Asset Fund, and the remaining from our Carryover Fund. If you would like to prayerfully consider a donation to the Building Fund to help offset the cost of the roof project and any future building projects, you may click the link below or designate a check to the “Building Fund” in the memo line.

Kitchen Enhancements

Deacons completed the installation of a peel-and-stick laminate floor in the main kitchen. This concludes the enhancements to the main kitchen. Thank you, Deacons!


The lock to the historical “Ball Closet” in the gym has been changed in order to better maintain room cleanliness and organization by limiting access to a limited number of authorized adults. We are asking anyone who has access to this room to please supervise its use and make sure everything is put away and left in clean condition.

Summer Events

Summer Events

CHECK OUT THESE SUMMER EVENTSWe're adding and finalizing more events. You can check back often to see the latest updates.Click on an event to learn more

Financial Update

Financial Update

Church members can contact the church office with any questions or comments regarding church finances. More detailed financial information is viewable in the church office during regular office hours and can also be downloaded by clicking the link below.A note from...

Vacation Bible School Registration Open – HELP WANTED

Vacation Bible School Registration Open – HELP WANTED

Grab your binoculars and secure your life preserver— The Great Jungle Journey is about to begin! July 22-26 - 9:00 A.M. - 12:15 P.M. Every day, kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I...



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