A Message from the Building Committee

Dear Metropolitan Family,

The Building Committee is excited to share an update with you about the work we’ve been doing! Our recent focus has been on prioritization, improving our communication with the congregation, and developing plans for the short-, intermediate-, and long-term future of our facilities. But before we dive into those details, let’s take a quick look at our facility’s history, which helps guide how we prioritize the challenges we face today.

Many of you may already know that the majority of our facility is over 40 years old (the “Main Building” containing the Worship Center was built in 1977, the Family Life Center/Gym in 1980, and Metro Kids in 2016). With age comes the need for ongoing repairs and maintenance. Over the past year, you may have noticed projects addressing issues like the Family Life Center roof, structural joints, leaking pipes, and HVAC updates across our campus. Our current focus is on repairing and sustaining our facilities while enhancing them where possible, all while being wise stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us.

Did You Know: We have 38 HVAC systems!

In addition to repairs, we’re also addressing safety concerns, such as potholes in the parking lot, ADA compliance, and other immediate needs. Many of these issues are brought to our attention through your input—whether during Family Group visits, church events, or casual conversations. Your feedback is invaluable, and we’re grateful for your engagement!

We’re always looking for ways to reduce costs, and one of the best ways we can do that is through the help of our congregation. Church workdays and volunteer labor are a huge blessing, especially when the work can be done safely and up to code. If you have skills or are willing to lend a hand in areas like construction, maintenance, or other trades, we’d love to connect with you! Please click here to let us know about your hidden skills.

As we look ahead, some of the larger projects on our radar include carpeting and flooring updates, parking lot repairs, fire protection upgrades, and a kitchen rebuild. These are significant investments, and we’re working diligently to create a long-term plan that aligns with our resources. Metropolitan has always been a generous church, and we’re deeply thankful for the facilities and resources God has provided.

We’re committed to keeping you informed and involved in this process. If you have any questions or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. Together, we can continue to steward our facilities well for the glory of God and the good of our community.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and partnership as we move forward in faith!

Together in Christ’s service,
The Building Committee

Night of Worship Led by Metro Students – April 4

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